Data Eocene

Data for the DeepMIP-Eocene Group

Model database

The DeepMIP model database is hosted at the University of Bristol and currently provides access to 36 model simulations from 8 different modelling groups for the following experiments:

Table 1: Experiment names for DeepMIP-Eocene phase 1

Experiment NameShort NameCO2 [ppmv]

Access is organized in two different groups:

  • User’s Model Database for download of simulations described in Lunt et al. (2021)
  • Developer’s Model Database for download and upload of new data

Getting access:

  1. ask Seb to be added as a ‘collaborator’ and specify whether you want to just download (User’s Model Database) or also upload model data (Developer’s Model Database)
  2. you will receive an invitation link to register with the University of Bristol – no personal data necessary!
  3. confirm email address and we will approve your application
  4. access the database either by WebDAV or SFTP

More information about the database and how to get access can be found in these slides. They are also available in the format of a spoken presentation, including a live example of how to easily download your first data.

Instructions for how to upload new results to the Developer’s Model Database can be found here.


Proxy database

Version 0.1

Version 0.1 of the DeepMIP proxy database is in the Supp Info of Hollis et al, 2019:

Hollis, C. J., Dunkley Jones, T., Anagnostou, E., Bijl, P. K., Cramwinckel, M. J., Cui, Y., Dickens, G. R., Edgar, K. M., Eley, Y., Evans, D., Foster, G. L., Frieling, J., Inglis, G. N., Kennedy, E. M., Kozdon, R., Lauretano, V., Lear, C. H., Littler, K., Lourens, L., Meckler, A. N., Naafs, B. D. A., Pälike, H., Pancost, R. D., Pearson, P. N., Röhl, U., Royer, D. L., Salzmann, U., Schubert, B. A., Seebeck, H., Sluijs, A., Speijer, R. P., Stassen, P., Tierney, J., Tripati, A., Wade, B., Westerhold, T., Witkowski, C., Zachos, J. C., Zhang, Y. G., Huber, M., and Lunt, D. J.: The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data, incorporating version 0.1 of the DeepMIP database, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 3149–3206,, 2019.