Publications Eocene

Publications from the DeepMIP-Eocene Group

Peer-reviewed publications

Lunt, D. J., Huber, M., Anagnostou, E., Baatsen, M. L. J., Caballero, R., DeConto, R., Dijkstra, H. A., Donnadieu, Y., Evans, D., Feng, R., Foster, G. L., Gasson, E., von der Heydt, A. S., Hollis, C. J., Inglis, G. N., Jones, S. M., Kiehl, J., Kirtland Turner, S., Korty, R. L., Kozdon, R., Krishnan, S., Ladant, J.-B., Langebroek, P., Lear, C. H., LeGrande, A. N., Littler, K., Markwick, P., Otto-Bliesner, B., Pearson, P., Poulsen, C. J., Salzmann, U., Shields, C., Snell, K., Stärz, M., Super, J., Tabor, C., Tierney, J. E., Tourte, G. J. L., Tripati, A., Upchurch, G. R., Wade, B. S., Wing, S. L., Winguth, A. M. E., Wright, N. M., Zachos, J. C., and Zeebe, R. E.: The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: experimental design for model simulations of the EECO, PETM, and pre-PETM (version 1.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 889-901, DOI:10.5194/gmd-10-889-2017, 2017.

Hollis, C. J., Dunkley Jones, T., Anagnostou, E., Bijl, P. K., Cramwinckel, M. J., Cui, Y., Dickens, G. R., Edgar, K. M., Eley, Y., Evans, D., Foster, G. L., Frieling, J., Inglis, G. N., Kennedy, E. M., Kozdon, R., Lauretano, V., Lear, C. H., Littler, K., Lourens, L., Meckler, A. N., Naafs, B. D. A., Pälike, H., Pancost, R. D., Pearson, P. N., Röhl, U., Royer, D. L., Salzmann, U., Schubert, B. A., Seebeck, H., Sluijs, A., Speijer, R. P., Stassen, P., Tierney, J., Tripati, A., Wade, B., Westerhold, T., Witkowski, C., Zachos, J. C., Zhang, Y. G., Huber, M., and Lunt, D. J.: The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data, incorporating version 0.1 of the DeepMIP database, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 3149-3206, DOI:10.5194/gmd-12-3149-2019, 2019.

Zhu, J., Poulsen, C. J., and Tierney, J. E.: Simulation of Eocene extreme warmth and high climate sensitivity through cloud feedbacks, Science Advances., 5(9), DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aax1874, 2019.

Zhang, Y., Huck, T., Lique, C., Donnadieu, Y., Ladant, JB. Rabineau, M., Aslanian, D.: Early Eocene vigorous ocean overturning and its contribution to a warm Southern Ocean. Clim. Past. 16, 1263–1283, DOI:10.5194/cp-16-1263-2020, 2020.

Zhu, J., Poulsen, C.J. & Otto-Bliesner, B.L. High climate sensitivity in CMIP6 model not supported by paleoclimate. Nat. Clim. Chang. 10, 378–379 (2020). DOI:10.1038/s41558-020-0764-6

Inglis, G. N., Bragg, F., Burls, N. J., Cramwinckel, M. J., Evans, D., Foster, G. L., Huber, M., Lunt, D. J., Siler, N., Steinig, S., Tierney, J. E., Wilkinson, R., Anagnostou, E., de Boer, A. M., Dunkley Jones, T., Edgar, K. M., Hollis, C. J., Hutchinson, D. K., and Pancost, R. D.: Global mean surface temperature and climate sensitivity of the early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO), Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), and latest Paleocene, Clim. Past, 16, 1953–1968, DOI:10.5194/cp-16-1953-2020, 2020.

Lunt, D. J., Bragg, F., Chan, W.-L., Hutchinson, D. K., Ladant, J.-B., Morozova, P., Niezgodzki, I., Steinig, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J., Abe-Ouchi, A., Anagnostou, E., de Boer, A. M., Coxall, H. K., Donnadieu, Y., Foster, G., Inglis, G. N., Knorr, G., Langebroek, P. M., Lear, C. H., Lohmann, G., Poulsen, C. J., Sepulchre, P., Tierney, J. E., Valdes, P. J., Volodin, E. M., Dunkley Jones, T., Hollis, C. J., Huber, M., and Otto-Bliesner, B. L.: DeepMIP: model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data, Clim. Past, 17, 203–227, DOI:10.5194/cp-17-203-2021, 2021.

Zhang, Y., de Boer, A. M., Lunt, D. J., Hutchinson, D. K., Ross, P., van de Flierdt, T., et al.: Early Eocene Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation: The Roles of Atmospheric Forcing and Strait Geometry. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37, e2021PA004329, DOI:10.1029/2021PA004329, 2022.

Williams, C. J. R., Lunt, D. J., Salzmann, U., Reichgelt, T., Inglis, G. N., Greenwood, D. R., et al: African hydroclimate during the early Eocene from the DeepMIP simulations. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37, e2022PA004419, DOI:10.1029/2022PA004419, 2022.

Reichgelt, T., Greenwood, D. R., Steinig, S., Conran, J. G., Hutchinson, D. K., Lunt, D. J., Scriven, L. J. and Zhu, J: Plant Proxy Evidence for High Rainfall and Productivity in the Eocene of Australia. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, DOI:10.1029/2022PA004418, 2022.

Niezgodzki, I., Knorr, G., Lohmann, G., Lunt, D.J., Poulsen, C.J., Steinig, S., Zhu, J., de Boer, A., Chan, W-L., Donnadieu, Y., Hutchinson, D.K., Ladant, J-B. and Morozova, P: Simulation of Arctic sea ice within the DeepMIP Eocene ensemble: Thresholds, seasonality and factors controlling sea ice development. Global and Planetary Change, DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103848, 2022.

Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., He, Z., Tan, N., Guo, Z., Zhu, J., et al., Impact of mountains in Southern China on the Eocene climates of East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD036510. DOI:10.1029/2022JD036510, 2022.

Kad, P., Blau, M.T., Ha, K.-J., and Zhu, J., Elevation-Dependent Temperature Response in Early Eocene Using Paleoclimate Model Experiment. Environmental Research Letters,, 2022.

Goudsmit-Harzevoort, B., Lansu, A., Baatsen, M. L. J., von der Heydt, A. S., de Winter, N. J., Zhang, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., de Boer, A., Chan, W.-L., Donnadieu, Y, Hutchinson, D.K., Knorr, G., Ladant, J.-B., Morozova, P., Niezgodzki, I., Steinig, S., Tripati, A., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J., Ziegler, M.. The relationship between the global mean deep-sea and surface temperature during the early Eocene. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, e2022PA004532. DOI:10.1029/2022PA004532, 2023.

Cramwinckel, M. J., Burls, N. J., Fahad, A. A., Knapp, S., West, C. K., Reichgelt, T., Greenwood, D. R., Chan, W.-L., Donnadieu, Y, Hutchinson, D.K., de Boer, A., Ladant, J.-B., Morozova, P., Niezgodzki, Knorr, G., Steinig, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J., Feng, R., Lunt, D. J., Ayako, A.-O., Inglis, G.N.. Global and zonal-mean hydrological response to early Eocene warmth. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, e2022PA004542. DOI:10.1029/2022PA004542, 2023.

Kelemen, F. D., Steinig, S., de Boer, A., Zhu, J., Chan, W.-L., Niezgodzki, I., Hutchinson, D.K., Knorr, G., Abe-Ouchi, A., and Ahrens, B. (2023). Meridional heat transport in the DeepMIP Eocene ensemble: Non-CO2 and CO2 effects. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, e2022PA004607.

Meijer, N., Licht, A., Woutersen, A., Hoorn, C., Robin-Champigneul, F., Rohrmann, A., Tagliavento, M., Brugger, J., Kelemen, F., Schauer, A.J., Hren, M.T., Sun, A., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., and Dupont-Nivet, G. Proto-monsoon rainfall and greening in Central Asia due to extreme early Eocene warmth. Nat. Geosci. 17, 158–164 (2024).

Lunt, D.J., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Brierley, C. Haywood, A., Inglis, G.N., Izumi, K., Kageyama, M., Kaufman, D., Mauritsen, T., McClymont, E.L., Salzmann, U., Steinig, S., Tierney, J.E., Zhao, A., and Zhu, J. Paleoclimate data provide constraints on climate models’ large-scale response to past CO2 changes. Commun Earth Environ 5, 419 (2024).

Steinig, S., Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Agatha de Boer, Wing-Le Chan, Yannick Donnadieu, David Hutchinson, Gregor Knorr, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Polina Morozova, Igor Niezgodzki, Christopher Poulsen, Evgeny Volodin, Zhongshi Zhang, Jiang Zhu, David Evans, Gordon Inglis, Anna Nele Meckler, and Daniel J. Lunt: DeepMIP-Eocene-p1: multi-model dataset and interactive web application for Eocene climate research, Scientific Data, 11, 970(2024), 2024.

Planned papers

Note that it is DeepMIP policy that, in addition to the authors listed below, model output providers will be offered co-authorship for all papers that use output from that model downloaded from the DeepMIP model database.

Stage 1: proposed in January 2020:

(1) Ocean circulation. Lead author: Yurui Zhang. Principal authors: Zhongshi Zhang, Agatha de Boer, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Sebastian Steinig, David Hutchinson, Yurui Zhang. PUBLISHED.

(2) Westerlies. Lead Author: Xiangyu Li. Principal authors: Xiangyu Li, Zhongshi Zhang.

(3) Clouds and energy-balance. Lead Author: TBC. Principal authors: Jiang Zhu, Ran Feng, Sebastian Steinig.

(4) Precipitation and P-E. Lead author: Margot Cramwinckel. Principal authors: Natalie Burls, David Greenwood, Tammo Reichgelt, Gordon Inglis. PUBLISHED.

(5) Antarctic climate. Lead author: TBC. Principal authors: Ed Gasson, David Hutchinson, Michiel Baatsen.

(6) Asian climate (monsoons and ITCZ). lead author: TBC. Principal authors: Yannick Donnadieu, Frederic Fluteau, Gilles Ramstein, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Delphine Tardif.

(7) African monsoon. lead author: Charlie Williams. Principal authors: Charlie Williams, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Dan Lunt. PUBLISHED.

(8) South American climate. lead author: Pierre Sepulchre. Principal authors: Pierre Sepulchre.

(9) Sea ice. lead author: Igor Niezgodzki. Principal authors: Igor Niezgodzki, Gregor Knorr. PUBLISHED.

Stage 2: proposed in September 2020 or later:

(10) Biogeochemistry and carbon cycle (Genie). Principal authors: Sarah Greene, Matt Huber, Stephen Jones.

(11) Biogeochemistry and carbon cycle (PISCES). Principal authors: Yannick Donnadieu.

(12) Aridifcation in East Asia. Principal authors: Xiangyu Li.

(13) Vegetation in South America. Principal authors: Pierre Sepulchre.

(14) Vegetation and BIOME4 / Koppen model-data comparisons. Principal authors: David Hutchinson, Ulrich Salzmann.

(15) Paleo data assimilation with DeepMIP models. Principal authors: Jess Tierney.

(16) Deep ocean temperatures. Principal authors: Martin Ziegler, Yurui Zhang, Aradhna Tripati.PUBLISHED.

(17) Atmosphere-only simulations. Principal authors: Bette Otto-Bliesner, Greg Tourte.

(18) Extremes in precipitation with daily output. Principal authors: [didn’t make a note of who suggested this, sorry!]

(19) Comparable 2x, 4x simulations under modern conditions for Past2Future. Principal authors: Julia Hargreaves.

(20) Australian Eocene climate, vegetation and productivity (NPP). Lead author: Tammo Reichgelt. Principal authors: David Greenwood, John Conran, Leonie Scriven.  PUBLISHED.

Other emerging ideas/planned analyses

(1) Ecological niche modelling of PETM: Claire Williams.

(2) Meridional heat transport and seasonality: Fanni Kelemen.

(3) High-latitude land temperature seasonality: Matthew Henry

(4) Tipping points during the PETM: Anton Girard-Sequeira

(5) Artic seasonality: Igor Niezgodzki

Planned sensitivity studies with one or more models

Orbital sensitivities (Jiang Zhu, Chris Poulsen, Jess Tierney)
Parameter Pertubations (Sebastian Steinig, Paul Valdes, Dan Lunt)
Impact of mountains in Southern China on the Eocene climates of East Asia (Zijian Zhang, Zhongshi Zhang)
Paleomag vs. Mantle reference frame (Zhongshi Zhang)